For Account Executives

Our courses are crafted for Account Executives at every stage of their journey. Whether you're just starting your journey, aiming for enterprise-level success, or aspiring to become a sales leader, we offer a gateway to growth and achievement.

Tailored exclusively for those who want more than small nuggets of knowledge. Most programs focus too much on learning, and not enough on growth. We're here offering you both.



Feel like you haven't launched?

Being an Account Executive is hard. Plain and simple. You do the work, do the training, and still you feel all you can do is hope people show to your meetings, and your deals advance to closed.

We're here for all those who are putting in the effort, but still not seeing results.
We  guide AEs on their path to success 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year at a time until they reach their ultimate goals.


Who we've instructed

 Struggling AEs new to their role
 Struggling Ent. AEs looking to improve
 Thriving Ent. AEs looking to promote
DataBased has collaborated with over 1,000 Account Executives and Sales Leaders globally. We consistently improve sales productivity by no less than 12%. 

If you've struggled with prospecting, discovery calls, advancing deals, or even increasing your average deal size, we're here to help you grow in those areas. 

The people we've trained are now top reps and leaders in coveted positions like CROs, VP of Sales, Heads of GTM, Heads of Regional Sales, and Enterprise AEs. 

Challenges you may face

Individuals often engage in training or upskilling themselves with various sales methodologies but often feel they lack a solid framework, or worse, feel they lack adequate coaching to apply it.

Trying to achieve these goals by oneself without proper guidance usually means more challenges with unclear ways of overcoming them, like:

Small deal sizes that could be much bigger

You likely have quite a few interested clients who would like to buy what you're selling. You can capitalize on this and increase the value of the deal. You do this with enough clients and you'll have huge rewards.

Clients not showing to meetings

After all the groundwork you've laid to secure an appointment with your prospect, the disappointment and wasted time can be frustrating. We help you find a way to overcome this.

Deals not advancing past demos

When deals stall or fail to progress, it directly impacts you and your organization's revenue stream. But you can nail down a process to beat this struggle.

Finding the right people to talk to

Recognizing, engaging with, and influencing the key decision-makers who hold the keys to your success is not only important but also empowering. Taking it a step further by creating champions within the organization? Crucial.

Engaging with executives in a meaningful way

Once you speak to several people, you find that many are interested! But when you speak to the executive with buying power, you may have a difficult time understanding what they care about and communicate effectively with them.

Create deals from current accounts you have

Many AEs tend to over-exercise outbound prospects to meet their quota. A better way to do it? Rely on established clients. Cross-selling and upselling are your allies when it comes to your sales quota.
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